3 Product Review Baumannator TCS
Product Review: Baumannator TCS
Tuesday, November 3, 1998

Most product reviews make you wait until the very last paragraph to give a brief summary and a thumbs up or down vote. But we’re too excited about this product to make you wait that long, so here’s the summary: “It’s fantastic. Run, don’t walk to your nearest dealer and buy one if you own a vehicle with an AODE (94 – 99 automatic Mustang 5.0 and 4.6) or E4OD (Ford Trucks).
So now that we have that out of the way we’ll explain what it is and what it does and why you need one. The Baumannator TCS is a stand-alone microprocessor which controls shift scheduling, line pressure and torque converter clutch operation, while providing complete tuneability of these functions via Microsoft Windows® based tuning software running on a personal computer. It plugs directly into your AODE or E4OD and takes complete control of everything transmission related.
Compact and rugged, the anodized extruded aluminum enclosure measures 6.125″ x 4.2″ x 1.52″ and mounts within the passenger compartment. An optional AC adapter allows tuning with a desktop PC.
The Baumannator TCS allows complete calibration of all transmission events in an AODE equipped Mustang. Upshift and downshift points can be adjusted graphically as a function of load (throttle position), allowing each shift point (1-2, 2-3 and 3-4) to be tuned independently at each load point between closed and wide-open throttle. Meaning, the WOT 1 – 2 shift can be set to happen at 5800 rpm, the 2 – 3 shift at 6000, and the 3 – 4 shift at 6200. The shift points can be accurately tuned based on the vehicles power band and gearing. Overdrive (fourth gear) can be used at full throttle without any difficulty, while the inherent flexibility of the system allows tuning to avoid the constant 3-4 and 4-3 part-throttle shifting (“overdrive hunt”) found with most non-electronic transmissions.
Currently, the AODs we build hold up extremely well to high horsepower applications but it’s impossible to make the trans shift at an EXACT rpm when left in “D”. On average, our AOD cars run 2 – 4 tenths better when manually shifted by the driver as opposed to being left in “D” during a run. The Baumannator TCS makes that situation a thing of the past. Imagine holding onto the steering wheel with both hands during a 9 second pass and running an optimum and consistent ET – with an AODE, not an air-shifted, manual valve body C4.
One inherent problem with giving control of shift points to EEC is that they must all be made at the same rpm AND they can vary from run to run by as much as 400 rpm depending on trans temp. The Baumannator TCS eliminates this obstacle to AODE performance.

The Baumannator TCS ‘ software interface runs under Windows® and allows adjustments to be made graphically as a function of load (throttle position), allowing each shift point (1-2, 2-3 and 3-4) to be tuned independently at each load point between closed and wide-open throttle. A unique “Dashboard” feature at the bottom of the screen also displays crucial transmission info such as vehicle speed, current gear and trans temp. The Baumannator TCS also makes speedometer recalibration accurate and immediate, no more speedo gears that are “almost” right.
The line pressure curve versus load may also be tuned to alter transmission torque capacity and part-throttle shift firmness. Torque converter clutch operation is also adjustable, allowing the minimum and maximum allowable throttle angles as well as cut-in and hold speeds to be set. The Baumannator torque converter clutch strategy does not allow the AODE/4R70W converter clutch to slip under steady-state conditions, as with the OEM strategies for these transmissions. This provides significantly better converter clutch durability in high performance and heavy duty applications.
Additionally, The Baumannator TCS may be used to retrofit an electronic transmission to a vehicle which was not originally equipped with one. In a fuel-injected application, the conversion simply requires a few connections into the engine management system for power, ground and throttle position. Carbureted applications require installation of a throttle position sensor to the carburetor throttle linkage, which should prove easier than adapting a TV cable for a Ford AOD or similar non-electronic transmission. All other sensor connections are integral to the transmission harness. Transmission harnesses can be provided in a turn-key manner, if so desired. Bracket racers and street rodder’s rejoice.
We’ve tested the Baumannator TCS extensively and can not say enough good things about it. It delivers everything it promises. Shift points can be set to any rpm and it makes them consistently every time. Baumann Engineering makes what we consider to be the best AOD shift kit and now the Baumannator TCS, two of the best products available to get the most out of your AOD or AODE equipped Ford performance vehicle. The Baumannator TCS has opened new doors to AODE performance and durability, we like it so much you’ll soon see an AODE in Lidio’s yellow coupe running mid-high 9 second passes instead of the current AOD. And if you pay close attention, you’ll notice he’ll have both hands on the steering wheel during the entire pass. The Baumannator TCS sells for $550 (with wire harness), call or e-mail us to place an order.
Learn more about the Baumannator TCS at the Baumann Engineering web site, http://www.baumannengineering.com/tcs.htm
Compact and rugged, the anodized extruded aluminum enclosure measures 6.125″ x 4.2″ x 1.52″ and mounts within the passenger compartment. An optional AC adapter allows tuning with a desktop PC.